Home » Complete Unity 2D Game Developer Course 2023

Complete Unity 2D Game Developer Course 2023

Published 9/2023

by freefordownload.net

–Udemy Training–
Published 9/2023
Duration: 7h 56m | .MP4 | 720p | Language: English
Learn 2D game development by building flappy, platform, and zombie game with Unity engine and C# code.

What you’ll learn
Learn how to use the latest version of Unity engine
Create multiple 2D games
Code functionality with C# language
Gain the knowledge of 2D game logic

No experience needed. You will learn everything you need in this course.

Hello and welcome!
You will learn to create three simple application to showcase your skills or add to your resume and portfolio for software development. You are not required to have any experience before starting this class it is for complete beginners and each step will be walked through step by step. Each application you will learn valuable concepts for UI, scripting, and functions. With the knowledge from this course you will be well equipped to make simple applications using Unity engine and C# coding.
Applications being made are:
-Fappy Game(the character flapping to avoid obstacles, high score counter, and a main menu scene)
-Platform Game(platform style game where the player has multiple lives and avoids obstacles moving left and right with a level system)
-Zombie Game(the player avoids zombies while he defends a base, collects coins to unlock weapons, and survives increasing rounds)
Once you complete the applications you will have lots of scripts you can reuse for furthering the work and improving the built application or even try and build your own more original applications with the newly found knowledge.
With these applications you will learn more then enough to create many other style application ranging from other games or even app style utilities with functioning UI capabilities.

Who this course is for:
Anyone interested in game development

More info: https://www.udemy.com/course/complete-unity-2d-game-developer-course-2023/

Udemy, IT & Software, IT & Software, 2D Game Development




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