Home » Building a Data-Driven Culture

Building a Data-Driven Culture

by freefordownload.net
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Linkedin Learning
Released: –9/18/2023–
Duration: 1h 29m | .MP4 | 720p | Language: English

Data has the potential to be the most valuable asset available in every organization today, but its value can only be leveraged if it is governed and managed within a culture that embraces data in almost all its functions. In this course, Dr. Jonathan Reichental introduces the importance of data culture— how your organization values data and how it manages and uses it—and how to cultivate a data culture in your organization. Being an organization that simply manages data as a consequence of doing business versus one that considers data central to how your organization operates and makes decisions could be the difference between failure and success, but many of these efforts fail due to a lack of a mature data culture. Join Jonathan in this course to learn how to better leverage the enormous power and value of data and set your company up for success.

More Info: https://www.linkedin.com/learning/building-a-data-driven-culture



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