Home » Skull and Bones: The History and Mystery of Yale University’s Notorious Secret Society

Skull and Bones: The History and Mystery of Yale University’s Notorious Secret Society

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Skull and Bones: The History and Mystery of Yale University’s Notorious Secret Society by Charles River Editors
English | May 26, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D59NSV2Q | 56 pages | EPUB | 2.89 MB

Conspiracy theories, and particularly the belief that elements of the world are secretly controlled by individuals or groups, have been around for as long as people have lived in groups. Perhaps that’s inevitable – after all, those who are excluded from power are very likely to be inclined to see their position not as an outcome of their own choices or situation but because of the secret machinations of shadowy groups.

This type of conspiracy theory isn’t new. As far back as the final years of the Roman Republic, some Romans became convinced that powerful people were secretly conspiring to subvert the power of Rome’s elected asseMB[/center][/center]lies and planning to take control. It can be argued that this is the earliest documented conspiracy theory, but in that case, it was actually true. From the Catiline Conspiracy to the First Triumvirate, it is now clear that men like Julius Caesar, Pompey, Marcus, Crassus, and Catiline were in fact attempting to subvert the Republican system, and their attempts would lead to internal unrest and civil war. Ultimately, Caesar would indeed bring about the end of the Republic and the establishment of Imperial Rome, ruled by one man: the emperor.

That’s part of the problem with trying to look objectively at any conspiracy theory. Secret conspiracies and secret societies do exist, and throughout history, some were often specifically intended to acquire power and wealth. Meanwhile, virtually universal access to the Internet in the 21st century has led to the widespread dissemination of strange theories that would previously have been known by only a handful of people.

When meMB[/center][/center]ers of a secret society are some of the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world, it’s easy to see why rumors persist about the group, and among such secret societies, few have engendered interest quit like Skull and Bones, an undergraduate senior society at Yale University. Its meMB[/center][/center]ers have included American presidents and the CEOs of some of the largest companies in the world, but the group’s secrecy has maintained itself to the extent that some of the meMB[/center][/center]ership is virtually all anyone knows for certain, leaving most of what is found in books and websites speculation and unproven legend. Is there any truth to the suggestion that this society is linked to the 18th century Illuminati? Is it a mafia-like organization that intends to see the creation of a New World Order? Why, during its almost 200-year history, has no meMB[/center][/center]er of this group ever talked publicly about what it involves? Have those who attempted to reveal more really been subject to intimidation, threats of violence, and even murder? Is the skull of the legendary Geronimo really kept within the group’s secret lair?

Writing about any secret society is difficult, and writing about a group that has maintained absolute privacy for a long time is even more difficult.

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