Home » Linkedin – The Shift Toward a Skills-First Mindset: A Thought-Leader Roundtable

Linkedin – The Shift Toward a Skills-First Mindset: A Thought-Leader Roundtable

by freefordownload.net
Published: Last Updated on

Released day: –9/5/2023–
Duration: 56m | 720p | Size: 192 MB

Skills, not just degrees, are rapidly becoming the new employment currency as we reevaluate a candidate or existing employee’s ability to succeed in a given job. But where do you start? What does skills-first hiring mean, and how do you make it a deliberate part of your talent management strategies? Join this panel of experts to explore the why, the what, and the how of skills-first approaches. Learn why skills-first thinking is on the rise, what challenges it may present for business leaders, and how a skills-first model can unlock opportunity and advance DEI strategies. Dive into practical approaches for discussing skills-first in your organization, implementing skills-first hiring, integrating skills-first through your whole talent pipeline, and using skills-first for internal mobility. Plus, go over tips to leverage existing tools, key takeaways for leaders, and ways you can explore what’s next.

More Info: https://www.linkedin.com/learning/the-shift-toward-a-skills-first-mindset-a-thought-leader-roundtable



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