Home » FastAPI Fundamentals: Your Fast Lane to REST API Success

FastAPI Fundamentals: Your Fast Lane to REST API Success

Published 9/2023

by freefordownload.net
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–Udemy Training–
Published 9/2023
Duration: 6h 20m | .MP4 | 720p | Language: English
Build and Deploy a REST API with FastAPI, PostgreSQL, and AWS

What you’ll learn
How to build a REST API with FastAPI
How to design an API based on requirements
How to work with PostgreSQL
How to use psycopg, a database driver for Python
How to use pgAdmin 4
How to use Postman to test the API
How to use Pydantic to validate requests
How to secure the API with an API Key
How to secure the API with JWT Authentication
How to write background tasks
How to use FastAPI’s powerful dependency injection system
How to implement role based authorization
How to deploy the app to AWS
How to set up a GitHub Actions Deployment Pipeline
How to use Docker and Amazon ECR to build and push containers
How to deploy to AWS App Runner

Basic knowledge of web development is recommended
Some programming experience is recommended
Some Python knowledge is recommended

This meticulously crafted course, “FastAPI Essentials,” is designed to propel you into the world of FastAPI with swiftness and precision. As the name suggests, FastAPI lives up to its reputation as a framework that thrives in the fast lane, excelling in performance, development velocity, and ease of learning.
FastAPI, a powerhouse web framework, boasts a multitude of capabilities. In this course, we’ve distilled its essence, focusing on the core elements that matter most. You will master the essential features, empowering you to embark on your journey of crafting RESTful APIs without delay. Additionally, you will gain expertise in REST API best practices, encompassing validations, authentication, authorization, filtering, sorting, and pagination.
Our course follows a systematic, step-by-step tutorial format. We will guide you through every phase of development, from inception and design to coding and deployment. Industry-standard tools like VSCode will be our trusty companion for writing backend code, while Postman will serve as our testing ground for API validation. To ensure code integrity and collaboration, we’ll utilize Git and GitHub for version control. And when it’s time to share your creation with the world, we’ll demonstrate how to host your API on AWS.
Moreover, you’ll delve into the world of PostgreSQL, the reigning champion among relational database systems. Using pgAdmin, you’ll learn the art of database creation and administration, both locally and in a production environment.
By the course’s conclusion, you’ll have not only built but also successfully deployed a high-performance REST API on AWS. Our emphasis on REST API development underscores our belief in FastAPI’s prowess in this domain, ensuring that you emerge from this course equipped to conquer the world of fast and efficient web services.

Who this course is for:
Beginner and intermediate developers looking to learn the essential concepts of the FastAPI web framework
Backend developers looking to learn a minimalist approach to building APIs with FastAPI
Those looking to get up to speed on FastAPI quickly

More info: https://www.udemy.com/course/fastapi-fundamentals/






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