Home » ESP32 Bluetooth Lessons

ESP32 Bluetooth Lessons

by freefordownload.net
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–Udemy Training–
Published 9/2023
Duration: 4h 19m | .MP4 | 720p | Language: English
BLE Data Communication Based on bluedriod stack

What you’ll learn
Basic concept for GAP and GATT
ESP32 BLE GATT server work flow
ESP32 BLE GATT server advertising flow and data format
ESP32 BLE GATT client work flow
ESP32 BLE read data for server and client
ESP32 BLE write data for server and client
ESP32 BLE notification for server and client
ESP32 BLE indication

Basic ESP32 IDF SDK knowledge

This course focus on ESP32 bluetooth low energy (BLE) data communication that based on GATT read, write, notification and indication.
All the code has been tested on ESP32_idf_sdk_ver 5.0. In the videos, we use the command line compile environment to compile and test the code. There is an esp-idf-tools-setup-offline-5.0.exe file attached to lecture2. You can use it to setup the comand line compile environment.
For the tested board, we use two ESP32C3 boards and one lightblue mobilephone app. You also can use other boards, such as ESP32S3 boards, or other apps to test.
(1) For the introduction part, it briefly introduces the bluetooth history and the bluetooh stack for ESP32.
(2) For the GAP and GATT part, it talks about the GAP and GATT “key” knowledge for our BLE software development.
(3) For the ESP32 BLE on bluedriod, it detailedly explains the GATT server and GATT client work flow, GATT server advertising flow, advertising data format, read data, write data, notification and indication. It gives examples not only from server side, but also from client side in order to help people to clearly understand the whole detail BLE data communication flow, such as, we will blink one led on the client board by the notification data, or we will control the led on the server board by writing different data to the server by the BLE GATT.

Who this course is for:
People who are interested in ESP32 BLE software

More info: https://www.udemy.com/course/esp32-bluetooth-lessons



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