Home » Chat GPT for University Educators: Designing Assessments

Chat GPT for University Educators: Designing Assessments

Published 9/2023

by freefordownload.net
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–Udemy Training–
Published 9/2023
Duration: 49m | .MP4 | 720p | Language: English
How to make sure your course assessments are ready for the age of artificial intelligence

What you’ll learn
Understand how AI tools affect academic integrity.
Identify the features of AI-generated texts
Understand the limitations of AI detection software
Identify strategies for reducing the risk of AI-giarism

This course is intended for university educators. It helps educators prepare for the new era of artificial intelligence, particularly in relation to assessment design. If you are a professor or other educator, you will learn how to redesign your assessments for the age of Chat GPT. You will connect with ideas from other academics worldwide, whose brilliant ideas and research are bringing our assessments into a new age of authenticity, validity and fairness.
The course will help you:
Understand how AI tools affect academic integrity.
Understand the limitations of AI detection software
Identify the features of AI-generated texts
Identify strategies for reducing the risk of AI-giarism
We will explore in detail an example assignment written by Chat GPT, identifying the telltale features of AI-generated text. We show you what to look for in suspicious texts submitted by students.
We explore case studies of AI-giarism and their detrimental impact on staff-student relations and professional reputations. We look at ways to prevent controversies and ensure smooth running of assessments.

Who this course is for:
This course is suitable for higher education instructors who are concerned about how artificial intelligence affects the integrity of their assessments.
The course suits education professionals with a beginner to intermediate knowledge of Chat GPT and other AI tools.
Even though the course title refers to Chat GPT, the principles you will learn can apply to any context where students have access to artificial intelligence tools.

More info: https://www.udemy.com/course/chat-gpt-for-university-educators-designing-assessments/



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