Home » Learning Git and GitHub (2023)

Learning Git and GitHub (2023)

by freefordownload.net

Linkedin Learning
Released / Updated: –10/24/2023–
Duration: 3h 42m | .MP4 | 720p | Language: English

View Ray’s LinkedIn NewsletterVersion Control lets you manage changes you’ve made to files over time, and is an essential skill for developers to master. Git is by far the most popular version control system on the web. In this fast-paced course, Ray Villalobos shows you the fundamental commands that you need to work with most Git projects. He explains how to use checkpoints called commits, which let you leave messages documenting what happened at each checkpoint, as well as how to create branches that are alternate versions of your project that you can work on without changing the original. Ray also shows how to work with the popular GitHub website, going in depth with repositories and projects. Learn about pull requests, how to conduct a code review, and how to clone existing projects onto your local hard drive and use them as templates. Plus, learn about the social aspects of GitHub so you can get comments, opinions, and advice to help you refine your projects.

More Info: https://www.linkedin.com/learning/learning-git-and-github-23011330



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